Tuesday, November 3, 2009

O-kaaaaayyy... This post is going to be in spanish, so if you want english there is going to be quite a bit of scrolling down to do.

Este libro es Tintin y el Secreto Del Unicornio y trata de muchas cosas. 1) Tintin compra un barco misterioso que, sin razon, se desaparece. 2) Alguien esta robando alas carteras de Hernandez y Fernandez. 3) El capitan Hadoque dice que tiene un antepasado llamado el caballero de Hadoque, que tenia un barco llamado el Unicornio. 4) El barco de Tintin tambien se lama el Unicornio. 5) Hay un hombre que quiere comprar el barco de Tintin. 6) El capitan diga el cuento de como el caballero de Hadoque mato a Rackham el Rojo. Un cuento magnifico de accion y misterio, les va a encantar.

This book is Tintin and the Secret of the Unicorn, and it's about a lot of things. 1) Tintin buys a mysterious boat model that, for no apparent reason, disappears. 2) Someone is robbing Tompson and Thompson's wallets. 3) Captain Haddock says that he has an ancestor who had a boat named the Unicorn. 4) Tintin's boat is also called the Unicorn. 5) A "weird" man wants to buy Tintin's boat. 6) Captain Haddock tells the story of how his ancestor killed Red Rackham.-mmmmm.haaam.- An amazing tale of mistery, adventure, and, if youre lucky, both. You'd love it.


  1. I love that you reviewed this book in Spanish! Did you write it in English first, then translate it into Spanish or did you write it in Spanish first, then translate it into English?

  2. I improvised in spanish, then I translated it into english. Saaaaaaaaaayyy... do you prefer ketchup or mustard?

  3. Eric, just so you know, there is a right and a wrong answer to that question. For J-dude, the answer to this question is a test of character.

  4. To Elisa:

